Minggu, 18 April 2021

WASTEINFONET Start Making Money Smartly We Generate Millionaire Information

WASTEINFONET Start Making Money Smartly We Generate Millionaire Information

More than 100 countries!

WasteInfonet is the first company to use Artificial Intelligence, an Application for Android and IOS with a scanning device, data storage, a built-in multi-wallet and a central platform with a protocol that allows to achieve a total, secure and automated interconnection, with technologies designed in networks, allowing in this way to use all available technology and managing to generate and transfer information like we have never seen before. In each home located in a certain country, city or town, its owner will be able to scan the barcodes of each product that he discards daily, and through his mobile phone, store this information and transfer it to our platform, receiving a payment in WIF tokens (WASTEINFONET) for the work done. Later our platform will carry out the processing, classification, filtering systems and thus finally be able to concentrate all the data and send the extremely valuable information, so that companies can make decisions with greater profitability.



Some old projects used a manual registration system on different classifications of garbage in homes, then those forms were turned over to a model determined by the requesting party of the information, and could be carried out with a much more difficult work, counts, which later they were transferred to computers, and finally there was some degree of processing and finally information.


These models were used to see the behavior of a product line, to observe the habits of a region, to determine the impact of an advertisement, and many other uses, however also in specific cases there are scanners that accumulate information, but with the disadvantage that They are used to obtain information only in a very restricted area, and the cost of mobile scanners is much higher, that is, it requires an investment, and a transport to the home, then a loan, and other inconveniences inherent to this operation.


In our case we have found a much easier, cheaper and more accurate information transport system, and even in real time if we so wish, for a specific request from a recipient of the information


And this was devised by our developers who did several tests and related several variables, allowing to build transport circuits that meet those characteristics.


After a great job, we have simplified, economized this methodology and we have taken it to the forefront in terms of its use and enormous practicality when generating the information.


Today in the world we know that there is a revolution in the field of mobile phones, to the point that studies carried out to show us that in the world today there are more than 7,000,000,000 million numbers and mobile phones, capable of transmitting data in time real.


As a result of several studies and being able to count on this important tool, we have carried out the development of data collection and transmission through the use of mobile devices, and we also incorporate a tool that allows us to reach more than 100 countries (but not in the first phase), which is perfectly safe, reliable and allows us to carry out segmentations not only by region if not by country, and it involves the use of the barcode, a system that perhaps many are familiar with but are not very useful in the field of information on some structures, but that all products contain them.


In other words, barcodes are sometimes more than what we think. But if you ever look in your refrigerator or pantry, you will find that almost every single package you see has a barcode printed on it. In fact, approximately every product that you buy in grocery stores, supermarkets or superstores has a barcode somewhere and this implies that worldwide all products are manufactured with the barcode pre-printed.


So our developers combined the great power of the use of mobile telephony with a tool that is also widely used, such as the barcode today, and in this way our system for capturing and generating information was designed.


In a home the task is very simple after our routing mechanism is set, the garbage is observed at the end of the day, and with a device that we will create so that you can download from the play store, you can scan this barcode with your mobile phone and store this information, which you will finally send to our mother platform so that it can be filtered and classified, in addition to its processing to finally convert it into useful information on which companies will pay a value for being the recipients of such valuable quantified data and statistical projections with minimal deviations.


Although our project is not oriented to the recycling of garbage and the great problems that this implies worldwide, with all the costs that this generates for each country and the future problem that it implies due to the fact that garbage has projections to occupy a large part of the planet, in addition to all the pollution problems in rivers, seas and cities. We have decided to make a contribution through "Donation". providing all our information to non-profit environmental care entities, since we consider it our duty and social responsibility to help in the fight against pollution.


We are going to transfer to public welfare agencies, government entities and environmental care organizations, information that will help us live in a better world. This information will be reprocessed basically in plastic waste, cardboard, glass and complex materials. This reprocessing will be carried out completely "free" and this will allow them to know the waste and the type of waste in each region, as well as quantities and characteristics. We believe that monetizing the business model is our great challenge, but on the other hand, preserving the environment by giving valuable information to those who struggle and work to live in a better and less polluted world is also part of us.




Total Uniswap Listing & Token sales (seed sales/private sale or main sale) 60%
Team 15%
Marketing & Bounty 15%
Estimate Protocol fees 10%




Federico Fornicoia
CEO & Co-Founder

Neygrimar Corniel
Co-Founder - Team Manager

Silvia Eric Sztryk
Chief Operating Officer - COO

Yanibeth García
Chief Content Officer - CCO

Adriana Bravo
Chief Operating Financial Officer - COFO

Adeel Ahmed
Chief Technology Officer - CTO

Marta Alaniz



Website : https://wasteinfonet.com/

Medium : https://wasteinfonet.medium.com/

Whitepaper : https://wasteinfonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WHITEPAPER-WASTEINFONET-PDF-FILE..pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/WasteInfonet

Telegram : https://t.me/wasteinfonet1



Bitcointalk username: eternal light

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2410347

Telegram Username: @eternallight16

ETH Address: 0x1609CdEf9A6aaaD63A86b7FEf597f4dDD3bD614C

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