Problem solving
- Collateral for a loan with real estate, land or agricultural machinery
- The need for immediate sale of grain at unprofitable prices immediately after harvest to receive finances in the spring and autumn periods
New opportunities
- Use of grain stocks as collateral for assets received
- Conclusion of a transaction for the tokenization of assets without the need to provide reporting documentation on the annual profitability of the enterprise
Conditions of receipt
- Standard financial model: repayment of the loan amount and interest on the loan
- Grain reserves or other crops are accepted as a pledge to attract investments from the agricultural producer
Real estate
Problem solving
- Failure to complete construction due to interruptions in funding
- The need to conclude loan contracts with high interest rates to obtain financing
New opportunities
- Receiving investments for the implementation of innovative projects in the construction industry
- Attracting investments for the construction of the project with favorable conditions for the return of loan funds
Conditions of receipt
- Application for the investment platform KNL
- The pledged projects are implemented projects from the developer/current project for which investments are requested
Oil industry
Problem solving
- Reduced funding for seismic surveys
- Financial support of companies specializing in the oil industry only from the state
New opportunities
- Attraction of assets from investors of the platform KNL
- Receipt of funds using a credit model for the implementation of research, exploration drilling
Conditions of receipt
- Creating a new application to attract investment on the platform
- As a mortgage loan investment, an oil producing company provides raw material - previously extracted oil
Problem solving
- Closing implementations fintech startups due to lack of funding
- Poor or inadequate implementation of new ideas/startups in FINTECH industry using Blockchain technology
New opportunities
- Receiving funds to attract qualified personnel
- Attracting investments for the qualitative development of the idea and its implementation: from monetization to the technical development of the MVP startup
Conditions of receipt
- Application creation is available for registered users of KNL
- To receive investments, you need to mark up a startup with a detailed description and advantages in your personal account on the KNL platform
Other industries
Problem solving
- Lack of financing for the development and implementation of new projects in other areas
- The need to attract investment for the development of innovative industries: robotics, artificial intelligence and others
New opportunities
- Attracting private equity in other industries
- Receiving working capital for introducing innovations into existing projects, as well as development in new industries, increasing profitability
Conditions of receipt
- You need to create a new order on the platform KNL
- The user can create an application to raise capital in any other industry that is not represented on the KNL platform
For the last 20 years, the global market volume of agricultural exchange commodities has increased threefold:
from 570 billion dollars in 2000 to 1.6 trillion dollars in 2016, according to the UN. The average annual growth rate was
somewhere about 6%, however, after the crisis of 2008–2009, it fell significantly, as in other exchange goods markets
(such as oil, minerals, etc.). The distinctive feature of the agricultural products market is that its growth depends more
on the population needs’ growth that on the investors’ behavior.
According to data for 2016, the biggest importers of agricultural products worldwide, are the European Union
(39%), the USA (10%) and China (8%), which in 2000 had an only 6th place with 2.3%. When it comes exports, the
European Union is still a leader (41%); followed by the United States (11%), Brazil and China. Russia occupies the 16th
position in the world (1.1%).
The biggest contribution to the world market growth is made by developing countries. Because of the fact that
they have a rapid growth of per capita income, the result of it is an increase in demand for food. This way, in India in the
period from 2000 to 2015 revenuesincreasedmore than twofold, and in China - up to four times.
Despite the rapid market growth, agricultural products’ trade is related to several serious issues that are
worsened by current climate change.
Market analysis
The presented programs are basically aimed at reimbursing the already incurred costs and lowering
the loan debt burden of the enterprise, but they actually don’t solve the major problem of farmers, which is a
provision of easy accessto the loanable funds.
Taking into account that the existing methods of floating funds’ replenishing for agricultural holders
are frequently either oppressive or can’t be put into practice, the KNL project founders started to develop their
own platform in order to support agricultural producers. We offer a transparent accreditation procedure,
loaning, trading for farmers and storing of the collateral crop volumes either at our own elevators or the
partner‘s ones.
The KNL platform is a new economic model built on the blockchain, providing tools for individual
investors,small, medium and large businesses.
The platform allows you to combine managers / owners of assets and investors through new financial
instruments that reduce the level of risk of operations. Assets can be items in real estate, agriculture,
manufacturing,sharesin the enterprise and others.
We are creating an infrastructure based on a legislative framework to maximize the safety and security
of investments on the KNL platform. Kernel-Trade is based on the Stellar network “Token D” core and uses
advanced blockchain technologies, such as fast processing of transactions with minimal cost, high security
processes – fromrelease / storage to transfer tokensfor trading in the secondarymarket.
Key tasks of KNL platform
- Digitization of bureaucratic processes based on our own Blockchain, that is adapted to the specific
features of transactions in the agricultural industry. It will give you an opportunity to fast and reliable
lock in the conditions of each transaction between farmers and investors.
- Tokenization of raw material assets is implemented through the integration of our own digitalized
elevators’ network with a partner network. For example, a farmer's crops may be kept in KNL elevators
and act as a transaction security. At the same time, a tokenized asset (crop) can be engaged in
transactions on our own Kernel-Trade stock exchange.
- Logistic processes support, starting from the crop yield transportation from the field to the elevator,
ending with direct delivery of crops to the buyer when using deliverable contracts on the Kernel - Trade
- The development of our own cross-border payment network will be performed with the help of tokenized
assets. This will allow to carry out financial coverage of export operations, deliverable and nondeliverable contracts on the Kernel-Trade exchange online, with a transaction speed of 1-3 seconds,
instead of 3-10 banking days. The KNL transaction token will be the equivalent of securities supported
by raw materials that are stored in our own elevators and elevators of accredited partners.
- Our own mechanismof insurance of the investmentsin the future harvest or construction, excluding the
loss of fundsfor the investor.
In order to provide its operational activities, KNL ecosystem uses 2 ETH - based tokens and transactional KNL
token with its own Stellar - based Blockchain.
At the project’slaunch stage in October 2018, we chose a strategy of attracting investments byselling the VEXEL
tokens within the framework of closed rounds with the profitability payment. After the decision on conducting IEO was
made, we issued a new ETH token that will be traded on the exchange in 2019. Forming - up the platform key
transactional elements will be carried out with the help of Stellar technology as part of the development of our own
The investment model with the use of ETH-token allowed in short time and with minimal expenses to complete
the major stage of fundraising in order to develop a revolutionary commodity exchange with a partner elevators’ network
and integrated with cross-border paymentsystem.
Such an approach is a classic one in the sphere of cryptocurrency investment. What’s more, we provide the
investors with additional guaranteed protection against investments loss through the specialized smart contracts
operating on the Ethereum network.
6% | Operating expenses
10% | Legal Security
10% | Development of our own Stellar - based
25% | Marketing and advertising
49% | The exchange launch and issuance of the transactional
token KNL integrated with the KNL cross-border payment system
5% | Fund
5% | Advisers
10% | Bounty-program
20% | Team
60% | Realization within the IEO
- Q3-Q4 2018
Concept development, market analysis
and analysis of problems connected to
the loaning of farmers, team building,
platform scheme development, Business
Plan creation, provisional transaction
approval for the first elevator purchase
and partial payment
- Q1 2019
Official site launch, work on platform
modules that include a digital asset
exchange, company incorporation,
negotiations with potential advisors,
development of the company’s legal
papers and a smart token contract, work
on the web interface’s first version,
marketing campaign planning
- Q2 2019
Pre-IEO start with bonuses, preparation
of the crowdfunding platform modules’
launching and digital asset exchange,
finalizing of the agreements with
cryptocurrency exchanges, partner
network creation
- Q3 2019
IEO realizing and listing on several
exchanges, launching of digital assets
and crowdfunding platforms, receiving
licenses for exchange operations with
cryptocurrency in Estonia, project
presentation to the private investors and
the investment pool creation, hiring of
additional team members and advisors,
attracting partners to the site, performing
the first investment transactions,
marketing campaign, company
presentation at several events in Russia
and the CIS, beginning of marketing
expansion in Europe and Asia,
Switzerland company office opening
- Q4 2019
Hong Kong company office opening,
receiving a license for exchange and
banking activities in the UK, payment of
the remaining sum for the first elevator
purchase, presentation of the project at
big agricultural exhibitions, international
advertising campaign, marketing
campaign in the CIS countries, purchase
of a second elevator, release of native
iOS and Android applications
Andrey Grigorievich - Director General of the KNL tokenization platform
Roman - Developer, marketer of KNL project
Ilya - Specialist of the PR - unit of the KNL
tokenization platform
Denis - Leading KNL project marketer, SMM coordinator
Andrey - Senior Marketing Research Analyst
Denis - KNL Token Platform Tester
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